Revd Dr Elizabeth J Smith, Anglican Church of Australia
On this very dark day of human history (which will – for generations to come – overshadow even the Feast of the Transfiguration) APJN would like to share a prayer (in fact, a litany) composed by Elizabeth Smith of Perth, Australia, a member of the IALC and Societas Liturgica.
Let us pray for an end to all violence and war,
and especially for the abolition and prohibition of nuclear weapons.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We ask forgiveness for all the wars ever fought
in anger, greed or hunger for power,
with conventional or nuclear weapons.
Teach us just and gracious ways to live as neighbours.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We ask forgiveness for the violence of all the fighting
in Asia and the Pacific during World War II,
and for the horror that fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Teach us just and gentle ways to resolve our disputes.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We ask forgiveness for turning neutral science
to destructive purposes in nuclear weapons,
and for the profits made from making and keeping them.
Teach us just and healing ways to use our skill and ingenuity.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We ask forgiveness for clinging to our fears
in missile silos and secret weapon stores,
hoarding the power of death for the planet and its people.
Teach us just and generous ways to care for each other.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We ask forgiveness for growing weary in the work of peace,
for becoming distracted, disheartened or forgetful,
for losing touch with your desire for peace on earth.
Teach us hopeful, humble ways to work with you.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
Hear us and help us, living God, we pray,
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who breathes his peace on us
and who sends us, as you sent him,
to bring forgiveness, blessing and hope,
now and for ever. Amen.
For interfaith contexts, the following may be substituted for the last paragraph above
Hear us and help us, living God, we pray.
Breathe your peace on us, and send us out
to bring forgiveness, blessing and hope to the world,
now and for ever. Amen.